Wednesday, March 18, 2009

That Makes 3

Well if things run in 3s we should be done with ER visits. Traeson woke up yesterday with a fever and cough. He stayed home from school and I thought I'd just watch him for a day or two. When I got home from work he was listless and flushed. I took his temp. and it was 104.3 (I don't do high fevers, they freak me out). I decided he needed to be seen now, who knows what he could have, I mean if J.R. had a kidney stone, he could have......the Bubonic plague for all I know. This time I decided to try instacare. We lucked out and April Larkin was the Dr. on shift (we've seen her a couple times in the past and been happy). She did a strep swab and sure enough it came back positive. I was actually relieved at least with an antibiotic he will be better in a 24 hours or so instead of 5 to 10 days. He should be back on his feet in no time.

Update on the other two:
J.R. had a follow up Xray on Tuesday and they can no longer see any kidney stones, so we are assuming he has passed it (keep your fingers crossed). He got to keep a copy of the Xray and that was way cool for him.

Maizee is recoving nicely. She still has enough snot for five kids but seems to be a little better each day. She goes in next week for her 6 month check up, we'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

lannis said...

Strep is so horrible. Nothing can make you feel so bad! Glad there are no more kidney stones! Yay!